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email: The Steve


Year 2019 Dec. 25, 2019

Hey, have you heard the good news?

It is obvious the good news isn’t I skipped writing another inane Christmas letter. Therefore, moving on from that vain hope, there have been many disappointments this year. I suppose Cardinal fans were yes, then no. Bears were headed to the Super Bowl, then not. Still you were not the CEO of Boeing or the creators of the Peloton commercial. If in the unlikeliest of cosmic plot twists, you are the CEO of Boeing. I can send you a nice Billionaire’s Tears mug, would you like blue or white?   Maybe, it has not been the best year for you. Life has its disappointments. Kayne saving Christian music may not save your soul. Brexit seems a mess, but there may be an independent Scotland. Surely the heirs of Wallace and Bruce will wear their kilts and tip their whiskeys with more freedom (that would be FREEE_DOM!).  Then there is the trade war which likely affected: none, few, some, OK everyone, but you aren’t involved in farming. Sorry likely you are in some way. On the other hand, How’s the weather?  I am realizing this hasn’t been the greatest year for many Americans but buck up a new age has arrived.


After a tough year we need to buck up or Yoda Up

The second coming is here. I am not just the overly proud grandfather. My view has been confirmed by others, church leaders, no less. My grandson Sweet Baby James has been Jesus in his church’s Christmas pageant.  He was obviously born for the role. He lay there during the ongoing procession, but no crying he made. Give him thirty years and who knows what mission he will begin. James’ birth this June has prodded me to question our future. Over and over the climate crisis demands, what of the world? This is the crux of our age what world will he be given in thirty years? We are going to have to be the responsible adults. At the moment all he’s got going is a cute face and endearing smile. He does know how to rock what has. James is a charmer. The world of woe may spin on, but joy is captured in his engaging smile.  

James Steve Erik

James in hospital almost ready to go home

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