Forgottonia Community of Blogs


Wild turkeys are one of the native species making successful comebacks throughout Western Illinos.


Sunset Forgottonia

A Collection of Writers with Forgottonia Ties

Are you a Forgottonian? Let's see; not everyone can be, although all may aspire to be a Forgottonian. First were you born here? Did you graduate from a Forgottonian high school? One that no longer exists because of consolidation, may be an even truer measuse of Forgottonianness. On the born here thing, were your parents born here, and your grandparents? No? Well, then, we will have to place you in the special category of suscipous person, one not quite like us, one who may conspire to promote new ideas. If you do live here now, we may allow you to be in our community, but just so you know, you are somewhat untrustworthy, watch those ps and qs.